As mentioned in an earlier post, I am using Bruno Degazio's VLONE/70. This post is a testament to paying one's shareware fees.
Bruno had obviously put a lot of work into this editor and I wanted to register my appreciation. His page just lists an email and postal address and it seemed prudent to see that it was still current before sending off my contribution so I sent him a note.
Now I've been wanting a VL1 since I was invited to the Canadian launch at Yamaha on Milner Ave in toronto. At first it was out of my price range and then it was discontinued (sigh).
Imagine my delight when, in passing, Bruno mentioned he was selling a VL1!!. Here is a picture of it sitting by my computer above the VL70 that I use to connect my WX7 and 5.
The moral of the story is: pay your shareware respects
Now if only I could find a MFC10 foot controller. Whay does Yamaha discontinue all the good stuff?? More frustratingly, why do they continue to list the MFC10 as an accessory to the WX5 when they won't sell you one (that is just plain mean)