Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tom Jackson's Live Music Method

Buy the book from On Stage Success

I started out by attended one of Tom's speaking engagements and was really impressed at the impact of the makeovers of the bands who were present. While there is nothing quite like seeing this, his new book is a wonderful reference for all the material.

His material includes so many things that, once you hear and see them, your reaction is: "Well, that is obvious" except that you'd never think of them yourself. The result is that thay are easy to internalize and apply, albeit with practice to make them your own.

At the session I attended, I got talking to a booking agent at the mixer. He was there not to learn performance but to learn to see what would make people effective in the venues he was booking for. That he found the session highly instructive is telling and a clear message to performers who fail to hone their technical performance skills and  their show's performance aspects.

Subsequently I've enjoyed the DVD set.

The book includes the material presented in Tom's speaking engagements and the DVDs in a thorough way that lets one reflect on the material. It is a great reference.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My New Book

I just finished my book about the Eigenharp.

With the advent of the Workbench tool in Eigenlabs version 2 software there is now a great way to explore the setups that configure the instrument visually.

While workbench is primarily a tool for creating setups, it can also provide deep insights into any existing setup.

One of the challenges for people who might be interested in an Eigenharp is that they are difficult to find in a retail setting and, even if you do, there is typically no knowledgable person to walk you through what the instrument is capable of.

My hope is that this free book will help in that regard.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Playing to the Moon

Playing to the Moon by mikemilton
Playing to the Moon, a photo by mikemilton on Flickr.

I'm a early riser and have taken to playing my Eigenharp in the dark.

This morning was cold so I lit a fire, moved the chair and as I was sitting noticed this reflection of the instrument in the window against the moonset